The energy supply from carbohydrate and fat is inversely related 这两种能源的供应是逆转换的关系。
Vegetable protein intake was inversely related to blood pressure 摄取蔬菜类蛋白质与体内的血压是成反比关系。
Sperm concentration was inversely related to how much beef the mother had consumed each week 精子的浓度与母亲每周消费多少牛肉呈负相关。
Recreational physical activity was inversely related to the risk of cholecystectomy 休闲活动越多,越不会发生胆囊切除手术的需要,两者在因果关系上成反比。
These are usually inversely related , i . e . , high intensity storms are likely to be of short duration and low intensity storms can have a long duration 通常强度与降雨时间的长短成反比,换句话说,高强度的暴风雨很可能会持续较短的时间,而低强度的暴风雨会持续比较长的时间。